The Glass Studio
The glass studio
Through formations, experiences and encounters, Fluïd developed year after year a style of its own: esthetic of the shapes, functionality of the object, purity of the material, poetry of the colors and an undeniable quality is found in all their work.
This profession has existed for over 2000 years. Glass is an impalpable material that only teamwork, rhythms, complementary, great energy and creativity can transform into unique pieces.
Mastering the art of glassblowing is mastering the use of water, air and fire. Glassblowing, mesmerizing and poetic, is comparable to a choreography: a sequence of precise movements in perfect coordination between partners.
Fluïd uses traditional techniques on top of the finest raw materials and tools from all over the world.
The flexibility of hand blowing and the talents of the craftsmen allow each order to be unique: shape, size and colors.
Laëtitia Andrighetto –Clément Dupont – Lauriane Blanchard – Jean-Charles Miot – Tiphaine Germaneau – Régis Anchuelo